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Pizug Companion

Pizug Companion

Enhance SAP Cloud Integration!

Why Companion?

Be More Productive

Introducing the Pizug Project’s Companion App! This tool allows you to effortlessly explore and manage your SAP Cloud Integration tenant. Created from the ground up with user-friendliness in mind, it offers a smooth installation and user experience.

Free Community License

Companion app includes tried-and-true tools already embraced by the SAP Community! Get started right away with an array of features available in the free license. No waiting necessary!

More Features Coming

As our customers and the SAP community at-large comes up with use-cases and ideas, Companion will evolve and implement them for your service. You can join our Discord server to discuss features!


Credentials Where-used

See which flows, externalized parameters, groovy scripts use the credentials.

Flow Diff

See differences you made between two flows, or the same flow in two tenants.

High-Resolution Flow Image

Get crisp flow images you can actually zoom for your documentation.

System Logs Viewer

See the latest logs in the system with ease to debug flow issues or adapter development.

Partner Directory User Interface

Explore Partner Directory tables with ease, using grouping for partners.

Flow Dependency Graph for ProcessDirect and JMS

Explore dependencies between flows graphically. You can see which flow calls which flow via ProcessDirect.