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Pizug Companion


Pizug Companion is delivered as a Docker image.

You can see it in Docker Hub:

Choosing Data Directory

The most important step before installing the Companion is deciding a data directory.

Data directory is a volume in Docker terms. You can also let Docker manage this directory. See more info here

Bind Mount (A directory in host system)

If you are using a Linux server this can be something like /var/data/companion. If you are using Windows this can be something like C:\dev\companion_data.

The docker container will use this data directory to store all the data. You can remove and reinstall the container giving it the same directory and it will work the same.

Please note down your directory.

Volume (managed by Docker)

Here we create a volume named pizug_companion and attach it to container. For Windows, this is more performant since it will use WSL2 file system.

docker volume create pizug_companion
docker run -d --name pizug-companion -p 3000:8080 -v pizug_companion:/data --restart=always pizug/companion

Pulling the Docker Image

First you need to have Docker engine installed.

Then you can get the image by running this command:

docker pull pizug/companion

First-time Setup of Admin User

For security, you need to set first admin email/password via command line. Set these environment variables based on your OS:

export ADMIN_EMAIL=[email protected]
export ADMIN_PASS=ABC123456

After you set environment variables, you can run the below command(changing the data path first!) only once:

docker run --init -it -e ADMIN_EMAIL -e ADMIN_PASS --rm -v "C:/dev/pizug/companion_data:/data" pizug/companion

It should finish automatically. Otherwise you can press Ctrl+C twice to exit this command.

If you forget your password, you can use the same mechanism to reset the password.

Running as a Service in the background

You can pick any port to expose. Since 3000 is used in the example below the service will be accessible at http://localhost:3000/.

Change port and data directory, and run the command:

docker run -d --name pizug-companion -p 3000:8080 -v "C:/dev/pizug/companion_data:/data" --restart=always pizug/companion

Note that you can have spaces in data directory path, since -v argument is inside quotes.